Yup. As the title says, WiFi is on LED display panel.
Instead of walking back and forth to update your LED message display panel, we now have the WiFi option for your convenience to update your message. The update is as easy as 123, and convenient like a convenience store.
Here is our video for the step by step update.
- Go to WiFi setting, select TF-WIFI.
- Our default password is "88888888", Custronics password is "custronicsdisplay".
- Once connected, go to the app PowerLed LTS (available in app Store for IOS and Android).
- Select SEARCH to search your LED display panel.
- Select QUICK TEXT to update your LED display panel information.
- Once the page has loaded, you may update your desired information at the bottom of the page.
- Select SEND and wait for the page to load.
- Once the page has loaded, you will see your LED display panel information has been updated.
- If the font size is too large, you may edit the font by selecting the Font and Size. Select Color as R, which is RED.
- Enter in your information again and select SEND.
- Once the page has loaded, you will see your LED display panel information has been updated.
- You may also edit your message to remain still or continuous move LEFT, RIGHT, UP or DOWN by selecting the options from ACTION.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information at www.custronics.com.
Have a pleasant day ahead.